Recipe for Egg Salad

Courtesy of wikipedia

This egg salad recipe gives you the perfect picnic snack. You may serve it with bread, burgers hotdogs or as a topping for your green salad. Alternatively, If you like vegetables, you can enjoy your egg salad wrapped in lettuce or any fresh collard greens. This quick light meal is easy to prepare and can be made at any time of the day.


4 large eggs

¼ tsp salt

¼ teaspoon paprika

1/8 cup mayonnaise

1 tablespoon mustard

1 teaspoon of dill relish

1 tablespoon minced scallions/chives

A pinch of pepper


Method 1

1.    In a pan, boil the eggs and when ready remove from heat and allow to cool.

2.    Chop the peeled eggs into a bowl and fold in the mayonnaise and mustard.

3.    Sprinkle the scallions, paprika, pepper, dill relish and salt and fold in.

4.    Serve your egg salad as desired /transfer into an airtight container and refrigerate.

5.    Refrigerate salad immediately and don’t keep it for more than 4 days.



Method 2

1.    Bake the eggs in a temperature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

2.    Follow procedure two, three and four above

3.    Enjoy!







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