Recipe for Bhajia

Prepare  this crispy and flavored bhajias at any time of the day and enjoy with a glass of cold juice.



4 large potatoes thinly sliced

¼ cup gram flour

¼ cup all purpose flour

1 egg

1 tablespoon crushed ginger

1 teaspoon paprika powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

¼ cup chopped cilantro

A pinch of salt

½ cup of water

Oil for deep frying



1.    Boil the sliced potatoes for 5 minutes and allow to cool.  Remove the potatoes when they are still hard. Soft boiled potatoes will result in soggy bhajias.

2.    In a bowl, combine the gram flour, all purpose flour, salt and egg. 

3.    Add in the water a little at a time and mix to a slightly thick consistency.

4.    Add in the chopped cilantro and crushed ginger then mix thoroughly.

5.    Place a few pieces of the boiled potatoes inside the paste and flip after five minutes and allow to soak for another five minutes.

6.    In the meantime, heat oil in a pan.

7.    Remove the pieces from the paste and place directly inside the hot oil.

8.    Deep fry to a brownish color and remove from the oil.

9.     Drain the excess oil and place in a food warmer/ dish.

10. Sprinkle a little of the cinnamon and paprika and cover

11. Repeat the procedure with the remaining pieces, remember to sprinkle the ground spices when the bhajia is still hot so that the flavors can be enhanced and absorbed thoroughly.

12. Serve your bhajias hot with a glass of chilled juice.



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