Recipe for Cinnamon Half Cakes


1 kg all purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking soda /powder

½ cup melted butter or margarine

7 teaspoonfuls of sugar

1½ teaspoonfuls of cinnamon  

2 cups of milk

2 eggs



1.    Sieve the flour and baking soda into a bowl

2.    In a separate bowl add in the eggs, the melted butter and sugar and whisk gently. Do not over mix or beat the egg too much

3.    Add in milk and whisk gently.

4.    Add in the cinnamon and mix well.

5.    Add this mixture to the flour and start kneading gentle.

6.    The dough should be moderate in consistency ie not too tough or too soft.

7.   Form a circle and allow to rest for 5 minutes

8.    Divide the dough into two and roll out a thick circle. The thickness of the circle should be 1 inch or more depending on your preference, cut out the squares for the half cakes.

9.    Place your deep frying pan on your stove and fill ¾ full with oil

10. Place a few half cake pieces in the cold oil and turn on your flame to moderate heat. Keep turning your half cakes gently, allowing them to cook until golden brown. When the oil gets too hot, reduce your flame and increase the flame a little when it gets too cold.

11.  Half cakes need close monitoring and they cook best under medium heat so do not over heat the oil.

12.  Remove from the oil and drain the excess oil.

13.  If you have more uncooked dough, you will have to let the oil cool down before you begin the cooking process.

14.  Drain the excess oil and serve with hot coffee.

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