Recipe for Mahamri

Mahamri is the perfect accompaniment for your tea, coffee and porridge.


2 cups all purpose flour

½ teaspoon instant yeast

½ cup heavy coconut milk

Oil for deep frying

5 tablespoons sugar

2/3 teaspoon ground cardamom powder



1.    Sieve the dry ingredients ie wheat, yeast, sugar and cardamom powder.

2.    Add in the coconut milk and knead until the dough is soft.

3.    Knead for at least fifteen minutes to trap in as much air as possible.

4.    Divide the dough into two balls, cover them and allow them to rise.

5.    Divide the balls into smaller balls and roll to form a circle.

6.    Divide the circle into four sections and do this with the rest of the balls.

7.    Cover them and allow them to rise as you heat oil in a pan.

8.    Deep fry the sections into the hot oil and fry until one side is golden brown then flip over and fry the second side until it turns golden brown.

9.    Your mahamri is ready to serve .






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