Recipe for Black Forest Cake

Picture Courtesy of Wikipedia

Ingredients for Black Forest Cake

1.    1 cups of white sugar

2.    1 cup of all purpose flour  

3.    9 eggs

4.    3 ½ cups of heavy whipping cream

5.    3 cups of cherries (preferably pitted)

6.    1 cup whole cherry

7.    ¼ cup unsalted butter

8.    1 cup of milk

9.    1/3 cup confectioner’s sugar

10. ½ tsp vanilla extract

11. 4 tbsp melted butter, cooled at room temperature

12. ½ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

13. ¼ cup cold water

14. 1 tablespoon kirsch

15. 4 0z dark chocolate



1.    Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit

2.    In a separate bowl, add in the whipped cream, kirsch and confectioner’s sugar and whisk for 2 minutes.  Refrigerate.

3.    In a large bowl, whisk the eggs and gradually add in the white sugar and beat mixture at full speed until it becomes thick and fluffy.

4.    Sieve and whisk together the cocoa powder and flour together. Using a spatula, fold in this mixture into the batter taking care not to deflate the batter.  Stop folding after all the flour has been incorporated into the batter.

5.    Add in the melted butter, gradually folding it in until it has been evenly mixed, fold in the vanilla and repeat the process.

6.    Divide the mixture into two and transfer to two baking pans and bake immediately for 20 to 25 minutes

7.    Remove the cake and allow it to cool then slice each piece in half.

8.    Place one layer of cake in a stand and brush with melted butter, add ½- ¾ cup frosting and spread evenly. Sprinkle a little of the chopped pitted cherries. Add the second layer and repeat the process with the remaining layers. Frost the top and sides, remember to fill any cracks along the sides of the cake.

9.    Shave chunks of chocolate using a potato peeler and collect the chocolate shavings into a bowl.

10. Sprinkle the chocolate shavings on top and on the sides of the cake. Center the chocolate shavings at the top of the cake to leave room for the whole cherries.

11. Pipe rounds of frosting around the top and place a whole cherry on each piped frosting.

12. Allow the cake to cool for at least 3 hours or place in a refrigerator to allow the flavors time to blend.



·         Milk: The milk is used to correct consistency

·         Melt the chocolate and spread on a baking sheet to cool, and then scrap off shavings to create a more authentic “chocolate shavings feel”.









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