Potato with Minced Chicken Snack


350g boneless chicken

4 medium sized potatoes

100 g parmesan cheese

1 medium sized onion

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 egg

½ cup of corn flour

Vegetable oil




1.      Wash and peel the potatoes and grate.

2.      Drain out the excess water using a clean towel or a potato strainer.

3.      Transfer the strained potatoes into a bowl and set aside.

4.      Grate the cheese and add it on top of the grated potatoes.

5.      Grate the onion and add.

6.      Add in one egg, the black pepper, paprika and salt to taste. Use a wooden spoon to mix until evenly combined.

7.      Mince the chicken and put it in a separate bowl.

8.      Add in salt and thyme and mix well.

9.      Place the cornstarch in a flat tray/plate.

10.  Scoop a tablespoon or two of the grated potato mixture and form a patty on your hand.

11.  Take a smaller amount of the grated chicken and place it in the middle of the potato patty.

12.  Using your hands, fold the edges of the potato patty to seal in the chicken patty.

13.  Coat with cornstarch on both sides

14.  Heat oil in a pan and shallow fry the patties on low heat.

15.  Keep flipping them until they turn golden brown on both sides.

16.  Remove from heat and drain the excess oil.

17.  Enjoy with a glass of fresh fruit juice.

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