Recipe for Butter Rice


2 cups white rice

3 tablespoons of butter

4 cups of Luke warm water

1 medium size white onion

½ cup chopped green onions


½ teaspoon of your favorite seasoning

A pinch of black pepper

A pinch of white pepper



1.      Place a skillet on high heat and add in the butter

2.      Add in diced white onion and fry to a transluscent color

3.      Add in the salt, seasoning, white pepper and black pepper fry for a minute

4.      Add in the rice and mix well. when the rice has begun to stick at the bottom of the skillet, add in the water and stir.

5.      When the water begins to boil, cover the rice and cook on low heat until all the water has evaporated.

6.      Remove from heat and garnish with the chopped green onions

7.      Serve with your butter rice with your favorite fresh fruit juice.



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