Recipe for Chapati

Try this recipe for delicious, soft and layered chapati


Four cups all purpose flour

2 cups of warm water

1 teaspoon of Salt

1 teaspoon of sugar

Cooking oil



1.    Sieve the flour into a bowl

2.    Sieve in the sugar and salt and mix

3.    Add in the water and 3-4 tablespoons of oil and knead to form dough. Knead for at least 15 minutes or until the dough is soft. Cover the dough and let it rest for 45 minutes.

4.    Divide the dough into 16 small balls.

5.    Roll out each ball, apply one tablespoon of cooking oil on the surface and spread evenly.  

6.    Roll the ball inwards to form a rope, make a coil with the rope and then press it on the middle to level it.  Repeat this with the rest of the balls.

7.    Cover and allow to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

8.    Uncover and roll each coiled ball to a circular shape.

9.    Heat a pan and lightly grease it with oil, place the rolled dough on the hot pan and fry until it turns brownish in color, flip and cook the other side the same way adding a little oil when necessary. Cook the remaining dough the same way.

10. Your chapati is ready to serve


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