Recipe for Chocolate Pancakes


1 ¼ cup all purpose flour, sieved.  

4 tablespoons cocoa powder, sieved.

3 tablespoons melted butter

1 cup of milk

3 eggs

A pinch of salt

¼ cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 tablespoon baking



1.      Whisk the eggs in a large bowl

2.      Add in the milk and continue whisking

3.      Add in the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder and baking soda. Whisk the mixture to a slightly lumpy and pourable consistency, add in the batter and mix thoroughly. The batter is ready.

4.      Heat a pan under medium heat and line it with butter.

5.      Pour a little pancake batter on the pan and allow it to spread slightly

6.      When bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake or when the edges become brownish, flip the pancake and cook the same way.

7.      Remove from the pan and repeat the same procedure

8.      Serve with your favorite beverage.

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