Recipe for Cookies


½ cup castor sugar

2 cups self raising flour                                                              

250g butter



1.      Place the butter in a bowl and sieve in the sugar

2.      Cream the mixture

3.      Add in the flour and knead gently to form dough

4.      Place the dough on your working surface and roll out

5.      Dust your working surface with a little castor sugar

6.      Place the rolled out dough onto the dusted surface and gently move it around and turning it over for the sugar granules to stick on the surface of the dough.

7.      After all the sugar has stuck on the surface of the dough, gently form a ball with the dough.

8.      Divide into small balls and place them on a baking tray leaving enough space to accommodate flattened dough .

9.      Dip a fork into cooking oil and use it to flatten the balls to regular sized cookie circles

10.  Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes until golden brown

11.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool and serve as desired



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