Recipe for Eggnog

courtesy of wikipedia

This homemade rich, sweetened and flavored non alcoholic eggnog is one that kids too can enjoy. If you prefer raw eggnog, avoid mixing the ingredients over heat.


3 large egg yolks

½ cup heavy whipping cream

Pinch of salt

¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 cup milk

¼ teaspoon orange extract

¼ cup granulated sugar



1.    Pour the egg yolk and sugar into a bowl and whisk until light and creamy.

2.    Heat a pan under medium heat and add in the whipped cream, nutmeg, milk and salt. Mix the ingredients by stirring. Heat the mixture to a bare simmer.

3.    Add a half of the hot milk, a spoonful at a time, to the whisked egg yolks. Whisk the mixture after adding each spoonful.  Do not remove the pan from the heat.

4.    Transfer the contents of the bowl to the remaining half of the milk contained in the pan and whisk to a smooth consistency and heat for a few minutes until the mixture slightly thickens.

5.    Remove from the heat and stir in the orange extract.

6.    Transfer the eggnog to a covered container.

7.    Refrigerate.

8.    Your chilled eggnog is ready to eat.

9.    Serve topped with chocolate or cinnamon powder.







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