Recipe for Matoke


1 bunch of green bananas, peeled.

1 large onion, diced.

4 cloves of garlic, crushed

2 medium sized carrots cut into thin strips.

3 large tomatoes peeled and diced.

½ kg of meat

Seasoning powder


Cooking oil



1.    In a large cooking pot, boil the meat until tender. Drain the excess broth and set aside.

2.    Pour oil into the pan and fry the meat to a golden brown color.

3.    Add in the onions and garlic and cook to a brownish color.

4.     Add in the tomatoes; stir until the tomatoes are cooked.

5.    Add in the seasoning and pour in the broth, add in a little water if the broth is not enough to cook the bananas.

6.    When the broth begins to boil, add in the bananas, cover and let it boil under medium heat for approximately 20 minutes or to your liking.

7.    Avoid turning the food while it is cooking as this will break /mash the bananas.  Prick with a fork to check readiness.

8.    Turn off the heat and add in the carrots and cover for 15 minutes.

9.    Your matoke is ready to eat.

10. Enjoy






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