Recipe for Onion Pakoda


2 large onions

2 green chilies

1 cup Gram flour

¼ cup corn starch / rice flour

A pinch of turmeric

¼ cup of paprika 

1 teaspoon of chopped curry leaves

2 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves

1 teaspoon fennel seeds


Cooking oil



1.      Chop the onion into moderately thin strips and transfer to a bowl.

2.      In a separate bowl, mix the Gram flour and Corn Starch.

3.      Add this mixture on the onions and mix well.  The resultant is slightly sticky dough.

4.      Add in the green chili, coriander, curry leaves and fennel seeds and mix well.

5.      Add two tablespoons of oil and mix well.

6.      Heat oil in a deep frying pan, scoop the dough with clean hands and place it in the hot oil, taking care to separate into appropriate size.

7.      Cook until the pakoda has turned brown and crispy, remove from oil and drain the excess oil.

8.      Serve the onion pakoda with your favorite sauce or hot tea!

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