Recipe for Pancakes

Recipe for pancakes


1 ¼ cup of self raising flour, sieved

1 cup of milk

3 medium sized eggs

¼ cup of sugar

2 teaspoons of vanilla essence

A pinch of ground nutmeg

A pinch of salt                                               

A pinch of cinnamon

Olive oil/ regular cooking oil



1.    Whisk the eggs in a large bowl

2.    Add the milk into the bowl and whisk

3.    Add in the flour, sugar, vanilla essence, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg and whisk to a slightly lumpy consistency.

4.    Place a pan on medium heat; brush a little oil on the pan just to coat the surface lightly.

5.    Pour a little amount of the batter, let it spread on its own and allow to cook until for a few minutes. When bubbles begin to appear on top of the batter, flip and cook the other side to a golden brown color.

6.    Repeat the procedure with the remaining batter

7.    Serve your pancakes as desired.







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