Recipe for Roasted Garlic Potatoes


1.      6 medium sized potatoes

2.      1 teaspoon black pepper

3.      Salt

4.      1 teaspoon paprika

5.      1 tablespoon corn flour

6.      2 tablespoons unsalted butter

7.      1 knob of garlic

8.      ½ cup coriander leaves, chopped



1.      Wash and peel the potatoes.

2.      Divide into half and cut into thick stripes.  

3.      Warm two cups of water and add in the potatoes and leave it to boil for 15- 20 minutes under medium heat.

4.      Drain the excess water and transfer the potatoes into a bowl

5.      Sprinkle the salt and black pepper and mix well

6.      Sprinkle the corn flour and mix well

7.      Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and roast the potatoes


In the mean time, prepare the garlic sauce


1.      Heat oil in a skillet and add in the garlic ( Do not crush the garlic, fry the full cloves )

2.      When the garlic turns golden brown, remove from heat and place in a mortar

3.      Crush the garlic to form paste

4.      Heat the butter in another clean skillet

5.      Add in the garlic paste , fry for a few minutes and add in the coriander leaves

6.      Turn off  the heat  and set the sauce aside



1.      After you have drained the roasted potatoes place them in a bowl

2.      Add in the garlic sauce

3.      Sprinkle the paprika

4.      Mix well and enjoy with a cold glass of juice

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