Recipe for Samosa



2 cups all purpose flour

2 cups cooking oil

2/3 cup water

1½ teaspoons olive oil

¼ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon of water and 1 tablespoon of flour for paste



500g meat

1 onion diced

1 teaspoon salt

1 clove garlic minced

1 teaspoon black pepper

¼ cup spring onions diced

1 teaspoon ground coriander

2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon cumin



1.    Heat oil in a pan, and add in the minced meat, stir until the meat turns brownish in color, add in the onion and cook until its translucent ,

2.    Add in the black pepper, cumin, garlic, coriander and spring onions, stir and cook for not more than 2 minutes, turn off the heat and set aside.

3.    Sieve the flour and salt into a bowl, add in the oil and water and knead to form dough. Knead the dough to a smooth and soft consistency.

4.    Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and cover. Allow it to rest for 30 minutes  

5.    Divide the dough into 12 balls, on a floured surface, roll out the balls into a circle.

6.    Sprinkle flour on top of one rolled out dough and another layer of rolled out dough, repeat this to form three stacks of four rolled  out dough. Keep the stacks covered.

7.    Heat a pan; add in a little oil and shallow fry the stacks of dough until golden brown, turn over and heat the other side.  The dough should have formed page like edges.

8.    Separate the stack into thin sheets, pulling gently from the edges: You should be able to get more than four round sheets from each stack.

9.    Cut the circle into two. Fold each half to form a triangle, seal one side to create an open pocket.  Fill this pocket with the cooked meat and seal the remaining side. For best results, don’t seal the edges but tuck in one side to create a fold.  

10. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the samosa until golden brown, flip and cook the other side until golden brown.

11. Remove from heat and drain the excess oil.

12. Your samosas are ready.














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