Recipe for Turkish Bread


5 cups of all purpose flour

4 teaspoons of instant yeast

2 teaspoons of sugar

2 eggs

6 tablespoons of olive oil ‘

4 tablespoons of melted butter/margarine

½ cup of plain yogurt

4 teaspoons of garlic for flavor (Optional)

1 cup of warm water

A pinch of salt



1.    In a bowl, combine the warm water, sugar and yeast and let it sit for a few minutes, or until the mixture bubbles (Proof the yeast has been activated).

2.    In another bowl, sieve the flour and salt and mix, add in the olive oil and mix thoroughly.

3.    Pour the yeast mixture into the second bowl and knead the resultant dough to a smooth consistency.

4.    Place, the dough in a greased bowl, cover and set aside for 30 minutes or until it has doubled in size.

5.    Divide the dough into 16 equal parts and roll them out on a floured surface.

6.    Cover and allow it to sit for another 15 minutes

7.    Preheat a pan to medium heat, coat the pan with a little oil and cook to a golden brown color. Flip and cook the other side. Remove from pan and repeat the process with the remaining dough.

8.    Your flatbread is ready to eat. Serve with hot tea or any curry/ stew of your preference.




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