Understanding the Corona Virus


Corona Virus

Corona virus affects birds and mammals. In humans, the group of virus infects the respiratory system.  A typical respiratory infection is not life threatening. However, the current form of coronona virus infection are the rare forms that are threatening to be a pandemic. The corona virus outbreak that was first reported in Wuhan China is deadly as witnessed in the over 350 deaths reported so far. SARS, Novel Coronavirus and MERS are the deadly forms of the virus currently causing the infections. Corona virus is currently untreatable since no vaccines or anti viral medication have been manufactured yet. The first case of corona in humans was discovered in the 1960s.

Corona Virus Transmission

The virus is transmitted when a person infected by coming into contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected individual. These droplets are generated through sneezing and coughing.

Novel Coronavirus

The first case was reported in Wuhan by the World Health Organization. Also technically shortened as the 2019-nCov, this is the strain of the corona virus that led to the first pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan.

The Spread of the Corona Virus

Since the outbreak, it has been confirmed that 362 people have succumbed to the respiratory infections caused by the disease. Children, the elderly, those with underlying respiratory conditions like asthma and lung cancer and generally those with a weak immune system are most likely to succumb to the infection.  

Protect yourself From the Corona Virus

When China authorities announced that Wuhan was a quarantine zone, the rest of the world was hopeful that the infection will be brought under control. Unfortunately, this is not the case as the infection has spread to other provinces in the country. Aside from China, several other countries like Germany, The United States, Japan, Britain, Canada, Philippines and Thailand have also reported presence of the virus.  Philippines is the first country outside of China to report one death from the virus. A 44 year old man who was accompanied by a 38 year old woman had travelled back to the Philippines from China on the 21st of January. He later developed severe pneumonia and succumbed to it yesterday.  Containing the transmission of the virus is near impossible since it takes up to two weeks after contacting the virus for the symptoms to show. Meanwhile, the unsuspecting infected individual can spread the virus to others. This is what makes the virus highly contagious.

As scientists race to develop a vaccine, it is important to protect yourself and those around you by engaging in the following:

Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing / alternatively wear a mask whenever possible

Keep your distance from individuals with flue like symptoms, including coughing and fever

It is better to be safe than sorry. Visit a health care facility whenever you experience flu like symptoms like fever, cough, and headaches and are having difficulty breathing.

When dealing with live animals/ surfaces that have been in contact with wild animals, wear gloves.

Eat animal products that have been thoroughly cooked

Be careful when handling raw animal products especially offal  

Wash your hands with either soap and water or alcohol based wipes as many times as possible.

Avoid crowded places

Educate others on how to protect themselves

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