Ways to Reduce Tummy

A huge tummy distorts the shape of the body. Many people who want to lose belly through exercise give up before achieving this goal.  Excess tummy fat has been associated with heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  It should be in your interest to lose belly fat not only for fashionable reasons but for the sake of your health. The fat located around your belly is known as visceral fat.

This does not mean that your abdominal region should be exempt of fats. Subcutaneous fats are not as dangerous as visceral fats.  The latter is an active form of fat that builds up within the abdominal cavity and increases the risk of life threatening health conditions.  The simplest way to determine if your tummy fat is visceral fats is using a tape measure. Men with a waist size of 40 and above inches and women with a waist size of 35 and above inches are most likely to suffer health conditions associated with visceral fat.

So how does one reduce tummy fat when losing weight on one spot is very difficult to achieve? Excess abdominal weight is difficult to shed.  Anyone who exercises has come across the 80-20 rule of fat loss.  This rule stands for 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent physical exercise.  Without proper nutrition, you will lack the energy to exercise or you will render your exercise routine useless and without exercise you will not be able to burn off the excess fats that you have consumed. In simple terms, eating the right food is very vital for your exercise to be effective.

We will look at the eating habits that will help you reduce tummy fat.  

Generally, anyone who wants to lose weight and reduce tummy fat needs to take in less calories than what the body needs. This way, you will not burden your body with excess calories. Instead, you will allow your body to burn the excess calories stored in the form of fats after it has exhausted the calories you have consumed.

What to Avoid

1.    Avoid sugars

Fructose found in sugar is directly linked to weight gain. Stay away from any processed foods and sweetened beverages like soda.   Sweetened beverages are the worst form of calories to introduce to your body.  You cannot lose significant weight if your intake of liquid calories is high. Do not buy into the myth that natural sugars are safe. Control your intake of honey, sugar cane and other sugary fruits.

2.    Stay away from alcohol

Too much consumption of alcohol leads to tummy weight.  Alcohol in itself contains calories and consuming too much calories leads to weight gain and tummy fat in general. Aside from introducing excess calories into the body, drinking too much alcohol may slow down or prevent the body from burning fat.

3.    Reduce your intake of carbohydrates

Simple carbs have high calories and taking too much will lead to weight gain.  Simple carbs refer to sugars and refined grains. The process of refining eliminates nutrients, bran and fiber. Examples include white flour, pizza etc. It is vital to reduce your daily intake of refined carbs if you want to lose excess weight . You can eliminate this from your diet or replace them with vegetables or whole grains.

4.    Avoid consuming unhealthy fats and trans fats

Use very little or avoid cooking oil if possible. If you must eat oils, try healthier oils like coconut oil.

Always read through the ingredients used in making any product. Most margarines contain trans fats which not only bring belly fat but are linked to elevated blood cholesterol levels.

What to Take

1.    Consume a high protein diet

Sugar consumption is linked to an increased appetite; protein on the other hand reduces your appetite.  A protein diet is filling and thus reduces your need to eat all the time. Foods rich in protein include lean meat, fish and beans.

A high protein diet also increases metabolism rate. As it reduces the unnecessary consumption of calories, it allows the body to burn the excess calories. This is why people who eat a high protein diet rarely have abdominal fats.  Additionally, a protein diet helps you retain muscle mass even as you shed excess fat from your body.

2.    Increase your intake of Omega 3 fats

Fish oil reduces visceral fats.  Include this in your diet at least twice a week.

3.    Eat soluble fiber

Hunger is the greatest motivation for eating.  Foods like legumes and avocadoes promote the feeling of fullness hence reducing your calorie consumption.

4.    Stick to your exercise routine

As you correct your diet, stick to the routine provided to you by your trainer and you will see a great difference.








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